项目 Project | 技术规格Specification |
外观 Appearance | 白色或微黄色粉末或颗粒 White Or Yellow Powder Or Granules |
含量 Purity (GC) | 98%-102% |
干燥失重 Loss on drying | ≤1% |
还原物 Reducing substances | ≤0.7% |
硫酸盐 Sulfate | ≤0.05% |
• Used as cement admixture: after a certain amountof sodium gluconate is added to the cement, the plasticity and
strength of concrete can be increased, and it has ablocking eect, that is, delaying the initial and final setting
time of concrete
• Used as steel surface cleaning agent: if thesteel surface needs pot plating, chromium plating, tin plating and
nickel plating to adapt to special purposes, thesteel emb o suace needs to be strictly cleaned, which is the
solid combination of the coating and the steelsurface. At this time, the addition of sodium gluconate to the
cleaning agent will achieve a very ideal e ect.
• As a special cleaning agent for glass bottles:the professional cleaning agent for glass bottles with sodium
gluconate as the main formula can improve thefollowing common problems: the descaling force is not strong,
and it is easy to block the nozzle and pipeline ofthe bottle washing machine; The ability to remove rust from
bottle stickers and bottlenecks is not ideal; Thetrace residue after washing is not ideal for food safety (such as
phosphate residue); The washing water is dischargedinto a public hazard
• For the food industry , it can be used as a foodadditive because it can eectively prevent the occurrence of low
sodium syndrome. It has excellent taste threshold.No irritation, no bitter taste, salt taste quality is close to table
salt, and the threshold is much higher than otherorganic acid salts, which is 5 times of table salt, 2.6 times of
Sodium malate and 16.3 times of sodium lactate. Infood processing, it is used to adjust pH, improve the taste of
food, replace salt and process it into healthy lowsalt or salt free (sodium chloride free) food, which plays a great
role in improving human health and enriching people'slife.
• It is used in medicine to regulate the acid-basebalance in the human body to restore the normal function of
ne es. Used as food additives
• It can be used in electroplating, filmmanufacturing and many other industrial fields. It can also be used as a water
quality stabilizer.