1. 适用于夏季高温条件下大体积混凝土施工,配置自密实混凝土使用
Suitable for mass concrete construction under high temperature conditionsin summer, configuration use in self-compacting concrete
2. 适用于各标号混凝土及中、低标号混凝土的泵送及长距离输送,混凝土粘结性好,不离析,不泌水。
Suitable for pumping and long-distance transportation of concrete of variousgrades, and concrete of medium and low grades. The concrete has good cohesion,no segregation and no bleeding.
3. 适用于解决含泥量高、胶凝材料吸附量大、运输距离长、温度高等因素造成的混凝土损耗过大的问题。
Suitable for solving the problem of excessive concrete loss caused by factorssuch as high mud content, large adsorption of gel materials.long transportationdistance, and high temperature.
4. 适用于工业与民用建筑、道路、桥梁、港口、机场、高速铁路等预制、现浇混凝土、钢筋混凝土、预应力混凝土。
Suitable for precast and in-situ concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressedconcrete for industrial and civil buildings, roads, bridges,ports, airports, high-speedrailways, etc.
包装与贮存 Packaging and storage
包装⸺ 1100KG/IBC、ISO TANK, 也可根据用户要求作特殊包装。
Package: 1100KG/IBC, ISOTANK, or special packaging according to user requirements
贮存⸺ 本品毒不易燃,可按常规化学品运输。储存过程需防渗漏、防暴晒、防高温、防污染。本品保质期一年,超期检验合格后方可使用
Storage ⸺ Thisproduct is toxic and non flammable, and can be transported as conventionalchemicals. During storage, it is necessary to prevent leakage, exposure tosunlight, high temperature, and pollution. This product has a shelf life of oneyear, and can only be used after passing the overdue inspection